Implementing a New Physical Fitness Standard

We can help your agency design and implement a valid standard for pre-employment and incumbent testing

- Implementing a new fitness standard doesn't have to be complicated.  

-  We help you develop address any related policy considerations, space restraints, and any other concerns specific to your agency's environment. 

- We train and certify your test administrators.

- We provide instruction on protocols which both ensure standardization and participant safety, as well as the safe set-up/take-down and maintenance of equipment.






Our Most Recent Client:

The Arkansas State Police



"As a correctional officer transferring to another department I could not have passed my physical without LEPAT.  You were beyond helpful, and the feedback I received was invaluable.  LEPAT is an extremely professional, and well run program.  I will be recommending LEPAT to any of my friends moving on into a law enforcement capacity without question.   Thank you again for everything you do, you TRULY gave me the edge I needed to move forward in the application process."

Sheldon H.  (Feb. 2016)

Contact LEPAT